Monday, April 14, 2008

Reparations for slavery

Driving into work the other day I heard some guy from Florida on NPR almost demanding that people give African-Americans money and other things if they can prove that they are descendants of slaves.

As a Caucasian-American, I am appalled by the way that my ancestors treated people of African origin. Even though my genealogy only points toward the north and California, I still feel the burden of guilt of what people of my race did.

That being said, I think reparations are not only a shallow idea but they will also perpetuate animosity on both sides. Monetary compensation of any kind will never "make things right." There is no way to make things right, only ways to make things better today. Dwelling on the mistakes of the past will never bring justice or peace. African-Americans who receive money as a reparation will still harbor ill-will towards white people.

Reparations will create very hostile feelings amongst white people who will see it as a race tax; a tax for being white. African-Americans will use the existence of this tax as proof that white people owe them something. This will never improve race relations in this country, it will only make it worse.

As was mentioned on the program, I think memorials and museums would be a fantastic idea. It will honor those who died and were treated horribly by white slave owners. But if every one's goal is to break down the race barrier, to bring everyone onto equal ground, and improve the quality of life of all Americans, the African-American community must follow the words of Nelson Mandela and forgive the white people of this country. I cannot speak for all Caucasian-Americans, but I ask the all African-Americans to forgive us. We did terrible and unspeakable things and we feel horrible about it. The only way to true racial peace is through forgiveness, not punishment.

But the African-American "leaders" in this nation try to perpetuate the problems with race and not let people heal (Al being the worst of them).

Over 230,000 white people died trying to end slavery (this is just the deaths of the northern army). And if African-Americans have to prove slave ancestors, the people that actually pay the reparations should only be the descendants of slave owners.

And if reparations are for the Jim crow era, shouldn't all oppressed groups get reparations for their sufferings? What about the Irish? The Chinese? The Mormons (there was actually a law making the murder of a Mormon legal. The law wasn't repealed until the 70's)? Don't they deserve some money for the hardships their ancestors put up with?